METAL Men Daily

Fitness Beyond the Gym

Written by METAL Men | May 8, 2024 5:16:34 PM

Clark Bartram lives to jolt you body, mind, and spirit.

“Cancer woke me up. I’ve always loved Eckhardt Tolle’s book The Power of Now, but after I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, it means more to me now than ever.”

Ex-Marine Clark Bartram, bristling with sinew and energy, is an evangelist of the now. Muscled, trim, ebullient, a leading fitness guru and inspirational teacher for men over 50, he’s a 60-year-old dynamo who carries a powerful message: “Right now is the only moment in time that exists for any of us. So what’s your next choice? What will you eat? How will you move your body? If you face an obstacle, will you battle it, which adds anxiety and fear? Or will you just move through it? Now.”

Watch Clark Bartram at METAL

For men over 50, part of taking care of your body in the now means that you monitor four variables: HDL/LDL cholesterol ratio, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level, waist circumference, and testosterone. And he advises men to also pay attention to their energy levels during the day because that will offer crucial clues to internal systems as they respond to lifestyle choices.

Looking at him, you’d think he’s just another ripped gym rat devoted to the mirror. But that’s not what drives his devotion to fitness. “You need a why to make you cry. Six pack abs are great, but getting to experience your children grow, your grandchildren that’ll motivate you more. Lose 10 pounds if you’re overweight. Get out and walk!”

Recently, he’s tagged on a new call to action. “And get your PSA test because 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer.”

For years, Bartram has inspired millions of men through his vibrant social media videos, his television hosting and training programs, and by appearing on over 100 magazine covers. Prostate health is a new focus, but count it as just another link that rounds out his holistic approach to health.

“Health isn’t just about your body. It’s a mindset,” he says. As the title of his  bestselling book has it, “Where your mind goes, you go.” That means daily mental discipline. “Even before I came to speak today, I said to myself off camera, ‘I’m strong, intelligent, confident.’ I’m not being of service to you if I’m not going to show up less than I can be.” Bertram calls this spiritual fitness. “Out of a clean heart, “ he often says, “comes a clean life and a clean body.”

From fitness comes social benefits. “Having a fit physique is the golden ticket. When you walk into a room, people take notice when you’re fit. It doesn't matter if you are talking about science, poetry, plumbing people are going to listen to you. Everywhere I go, people notice me.”

Sometimes You Don’t Realize How You Light Up a Room

Bartram takes his mission seriously and as a responsibility. On his home office wall hangs a sign reading “Sometimes, you don’t realize how you light up a room.”

And he keeps lighting them up.“Life comes at ya fast,” he says, ”but if you don’t sit around and watch it go by, you make great things happen. I had no clue that on my 60th birthday I’d be coming in hot with the diagnosis of cancer. I just thought I’d be ripped and jacked, but I guess I get to do both! I’m all in as I introduce you to the new me. Version 6.0 Let’s Go!

Written by Adam Gilad.


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