Join us Saturday on Zoom as a guest
"The METAL brotherhood is a unique blend of visionaries and successful men who support each other through meetups, community, and connections."
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Date: This Saturday
Time: 8 to 10am Pacific Time
Where: Zoom (link emailed when you register)
Transform your life this Saturday with an exclusive gathering of high-achieving men who are redefining success.
What You'll Experience:
• Game-changing insights from top industry titans
• Cutting-edge strategies in career growth and technology
• Advanced health optimization techniques
• Leadership skills that command respect
• Lifestyle upgrades for peak performance
This isn't just another interactive live meeting – it's your gateway to joining a brotherhood of driven men who take massive action.
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Exclusive to ambitious MEN committed to excellence.
This Saturday's Expert Speakers:
Internationally renowned marine wildlife conservation and environmental activist
Captain Paul Watson, marine wildlife conservation and environmental activist, is a founding member and director of Greenpeace. In 1977 he left Greenpeace and founded Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, resigning in 2022 to cofound the Captain Paul Watson Foundation.
Founder of The Future of Now; global systems disruptor
Elatia helps humans and companies around the world thrive in the face of great disruption, designing new ways to grow, scale, and meet fulfillment, even in the face of upheaval. She’s immersed herself in data and research around the future of work and life as we know it, and the systemic shifts required to make solutions possible.
CEO of The Herman Group of Companies
Joyce Gioia-Herman is a Strategic Business Futurist concentrating on relationship aspects of the future. Joyce is President and CEO of The Herman Group, a firm serving a wide range corporate, trade association and governmental clients on an international basis. Joyce has served clients on six continents and in 44 states.
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